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International Trustee Fund of the Tsyolkovsky Moscow State Aviation Technological University

      The International Trustee Fund of the Tsyolkovsky Moscow State Aviation Technological University was founded at the First International Aerospace Congress IAC'94 in Moscow, 17 August 1994, and was registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation.
      One of the initiators of the Fund's establishing and its First President for the period from August 1994 to his untimely death on 3 November 2000 was the Head of the University, Professor Boris S. Mitin.
      The Fund successfully operates as an international public organization and it was awarded with the Superior consultative status under the special decision of Economic and Social UN Council session in July 1999.
      The Fund has united large enterprises, companies, firms, agencies, research institutes and universities as well as eminent personalities active in the field of education, science, culture, business and finance of different countries. Representatives of Russia, Australia, Austria, Belarus, Canada, China, Cyprus, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Hungary, Israel, Japan, Luxembourg, Republic of South Africa, United Kingdom, USA, Yugoslavia are members of the Fund. This list is constantly enlarging.
      The International Trustee Fund is the initiator of creation of the international system of similar Funds abroad. The already existing Funds in Australia, Belarus, Cyprus, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Israel, United Kingdom, USA in the nearest future will be joined by the Funds in Argentina, Austria, Brasilia, China, India, Italy, Japan, Republic of South Africa, Sweden, Switzerland, Ukraine, Yugoslavia. Presidents of the Funds are famous people in their countries and abroad. In some of the mentioned countries there are regions where the Fund's activity is especially productive, acute and important. This appeared to be the reason for the Regional Funds creation. For example in Russia-they are the Funds of Moscow, of the Moscow Region, Siberian Fund.
      The main goals of the Funds concern the support and development of education, science, culture. Various Programs and Projects of the Funds constitute their main activities. Those also include organization of regular congresses, symposia, conferences, exhibitions; edition and distribution of literature on various topics, as well as solving social and other problems.
      The structure of the Funds' system comprised of legally independent non-profit public organizations, registered according to the legislation of their countries, ensures the most productive operation of each Fund and of the entire system as a whole. All Funds are united by common goals, but differ by tax and other benefits, provided by national legislation of the respective countries. Every Fund has the highest level of benefits, permitted by national legislation. These benefits are also extended onto organizations and private persons that provide financial support for the Fund's Programs and Projects. Therefore, due to the commonality of the Fund's Programs forming a system of cooperation between the Fund, other organizations and private persons in one country, the most mutually beneficial and favorable financing of the Programs and Projects of the entire Funds' system is fulfilled.


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             _____ registered Fund                                     - - - - Fund is in the process of registration

Funds are legally independent not-for-profit organizations, registered according to the given country's low. Common aims connect them. The tax privileges of the Fund are also spread on the organizations and private persons who finance projects of the Fund.

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