VI. The Expected Results of the Program’s Realization
The Program’s
key objective is to introduce into general practice new ecological systems and apparatus
designed for environmental protection. The present scientific and technological level
allows developing and putting into production up-to-date pieces of technology, enabling
complex protection of atmosphere, hydrosphere, lands, etc. to be provided. The new
principles, underlying these techniques, reduce tangibly the time for environmental
protective measures and cut down their cost with simultaneous rise of their effectiveness.
Program realization will ensure
production of high technology facilities, which will allow preventing up to 40-45% of
otherwise possible damage in parallel with material economy of financial, and materiel
means. As for the social aspect, the Program will promise beneficial results along the
following lines:
- World population ecological safety increase;
- Expansion of the scientific research on base of universities;
- Implementation of scientific and production potential of ex-military enterprises;
- Creation of large quantity of extra working places;
- Real ecological help for under-developed and developing countries;
- Use of restored resources received during the old equipment and waste reprocessing.
All works under the Program rule
out use of budget allocations and expected to be subsidized from off-budget sources.
To accelerate the work on the
development and putting into practice world-competitive means of technology intended for
environmental protection, close cooperation is proposed to be established and maintained
with all interested organizations and states.