II. Goals and Tasks of the Program
The key task of
the Fund’s Ecological Program consists in pooling together the efforts of the subjects
of world community, as well as individuals, organizations and regions in order to solve
numerous ecological problems, both global and local. To this end the Funds have been
preparing a package of projects for solving specific ecological problems. Making use of
close business-like cooperation between the International Fund and its related foreign
counterparts they are searching for interested investors and thereafter - establishing
contacts between such investors and the actual performers of certain programs. In doing so
the International Fund sees its primary goal in making up such a package of offers that
would cover the entire complex of the nature objects which urgently need in environmental
protection: earth's atmosphere, surface water (hydrosphere), flora, fauna, soils, lands,
landscapes and depths. Improving any one of the aforesaid objects will have a good impact
on the others. However, their mutual influences are different which necessitates giving
priority to the most important ones – atmosphere and hydrosphere. Most of the
projects are aimed at solving these very problems.