of the Fifth International Aerospace Congress
Moscow 31 August 2006
The Fifth International Aerospace Congress IAC’06, dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the orbital station “MIR” launching was conducted from 27th to 31st August, 2006 in the Russian Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation, Moscow.
Among the participants there were 845 representatives from 26 countries: outstanding scientists and constructors, cosmonauts, managers of aerospace companies, firms and agencies, students of technical universities. NASA, ESA, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Canada, China, France and other countries space agencies chairmen and officials, ICAO board members, famous Russian and foreign scientists, cosmonauts, statesmen addressed to congress participants on commencement meeting with salutations which was held in the Big conference hall of Roscosmos.
In an unanimous opinion of International Aerospace Congress (IAC) participants, which has 12 years old history, at present time IAC has turned into a theoretic-practical forum. It plays significant role in discussion of scientific and technical progress conceptual problems in the most leading field of human activity, as well as in concrete first-priority engineering, economical, ecological and other different missions. Their solutions will provide creation of the new generation effective airspace systems and complexes in the nearest future.
520 reports and 110 poster papers have been presented and discussed during the work of 20 sections and Round table of International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), which topic was “Global strategy of flight safety”. The work of the congress was illustrated by the leading mass-media. “Pervij” TV-Channel (News Programme “Vremya”), NTV, TVC, “5th Peterburg’s Channel”, “Interfax”, “ITAR-TASS” Agencies, Radio Station “Moscow Echo”, specialized publishing houses, and journal representatives were accredited. Redaction of “Russian Engineering newspaper” has published two special issues, devoted to the Congress.
Plenary reports of V.A. Davidov (Roscosmos), N.A. Anfimov (CSRI of machine engineering), Y. Voss (ICAO), V.E. Fortov (RAS), K.V. Frolov (RAS), B.E. Chertok (RSC “Energy”), N.N. Sevastianov (RSC “Energy”), A. Furnie – Sikr (ESA), Savinie (NASA), B. Triggvasson (Canadian Space Agency),
B. Zappoli (Center of space researches, Bordo, France), J.M. Batyrin (Cosmonauts training center), Li Picze (Beijing state technical university) attracted great interest of the Congress participants and guests.
During informal conversations and discussions of 836 Russian and foreign Congress participants, the most important and common regulations have been formatted. These regulations contain real conditions of air and space engineering development and use subject to specific peculiarity airspace activities in different countries of the world.
The Congress participants state that:
At present, operation of the world aerospace complex is one of the main sources of achievements defining scientific and technical and defense potential of the countries and general economic, ecological and political situation. For the last decades the complex experienced qualitative change of its aims having kept its priorities in the sphere of national safety.Aerospace complex has unique capabilities of massive access to information, scientific and cultural achievements, distance learning. Without modern aerospace systems it is impossible to perform coordination of international community common efforts for the purpose of terroristic threat, drug propagation, telecommunication networks development and communication facilities, monitoring of the Earth surface and atmosphere, examination and development of natural resources, map-making, control of natural and man-caused emergency situations, reliable and long-term weather forecasts. Slowing down the development of aerospace technologies will inevitably result in deceleration of social, economic and cultural development of whole regions and countries, delay the solutions to ecologically critical problems, deprive the world science of critical theoretical and experimental results.
- Ecological threats and problems are manifestations of common social-economical crisis of International communty. UNO conference which was held in 1992,Rio de Janeiro called to solve the crisis with the help of “Course Changing”, and “Stable Development ” achievement. Dissociation in cooperation and manufacturing field, predomination of corporative targets domination over common interests block efforts to stabilize situation and to find the way out of crisis.. There is no state mechanism to coordinate effots for the sake of ecological safety. Low level of demand for space information about environment usage shows it. The level is not more than 1%. The Aerospace branch embodies all leading achievements of scientific and technical progress and possesses the high potential in ecological safety missions.
- Russian Federation International commitments in the field of space activity demand high safe and reliable operations of all ground space infrastructure. It requires modernization, creation of new complexes, existing complexes equipped with new devices, structural and nomenclatural optimization of complexes. These complex missions are launching and controlling spaceships. Researches in the field of valuation usage of spaceship launching apparatuses effectiveness are needed: on the ground, in water, air and space. “Sea start” complex needs special attention. This complex was created within the International cooperation and it works successfully. In the nearest future the complex will reach the rated capacity.
In the sphere of improvement and development of new advanced educational technologies the participants met with great interest and appreciation a work experience of Russian educational scientific and innovative aerospace industry complex (RESIAIC), which was organized by the initiative of the Russian Aviation-Space Agency, leading Russian aerospace enterprises (Khrunichev Space Center, “Salut” plant, Baranov Association, “Agat” Organization and universities (Bauman Moscow State Technological University, Ordzhonikidze Moscow Aviation Institute, Tsyolkovsky Moscow Aviation Technological Institute, Russian State University of Innovation Technologies and Business) to implement the state policy in the sphere of science and education including training of air traffic management specialists jointly with ICAO.
International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) has achieved significant progress in the development and introduction of standards and recommendations. However, flight and air traffic management safety require constant further efforts and persistent attention from aviation authorities. As a direction for joint activities, the participants outlined the need to create effective mechanisms of international cooperation, one of which is participation of specialists of different countries in implementation of joint projects of International Program “Harmonization of the world air navigation system” and the need to develop more advanced educational and personnel training and retraining programs using RUNICAP.
- New knowledge was accumulated in researches of gravitation-sense processes during last years. These processes are of interest to space machines effectiveness rise. But many technical solutions were accepted long time ago and did not take into consideration results of last researches. Now Russia has science bases, qualified stuff, space technologies and skilled cosmonauts for micro gravitation conditions usage. Scientific potential of Russian scientists is rather high in this field, they continue active work, but the level of researches decreased in the USA and in Europe.
- Creation of modern samples of aerospace equipment requires necessity of science-technical potential acceleration of such Russian enterprises and institutes as “Molniya” Association, , Design office of Heavy machine building, TsAGY TsIAM, CSRI of Machines, Design Office “Raduga”, Machine-Building Association, Khrunichev Space Center, Technomash, SRI KS Ramenskoe and others. Special attention should be paid and development of experimental facilities without which it is impossible to create modern manufacturing industry.
Space development, being one of the main components of national space policy of our country, is impossible without manned space flights. Orbital flights and experience in their medical support, space experiments in medical and biological field provide scientific and practical basis for advanced developments in the area of creation of support technologies for interplanetary flights that today are a real direction of national astronautics development.
Congress participants considers to be:
- In order to celebrate 100th anniversary of S.P. Korolev birth, 150th anniversary of K.E. Tsiolkovsky birthday, 50th anniversary of the first satellite launch to held on September, 2007 All-Russian forum “Space development in civil aims”. This forum is devoted to these memorial dates in the history of national and world cosmonautics.
- Submit a suggestion to the President of the Russian Federation, Federation Council and State Duma of the Russian Federation to originate a State Program based on the State Order to create an Russian complex “Morskoy srart” (Sea start), because of its successful experience of work.
With a view to develop and use in practice dual-purpose aerospace technologies, recommend to the Ministry of Emergencies of the Russian Federation, Ministry of Nature and other interested authorities to implement Space monitoring Russian coordination Union and united structure of information interaction as “Service of ecological safety and prevention of emergency nature situations”. This service should function on national and international level.
Congress participants draw attention of the Governments, the United Nations, international organizations, scientific associations, political parties and movements, trade unions, international scientific community to the special importance of the products and services of aerospace complex for the dynamical development of our civilization, realization of indefeasible rights and freedoms of individuals, creation of new jobs in all industrial fields, strengthening of international cooperation and realization of mutual trust measures in the sphere of joint use of near-Earth space.
In the conclusion, Congress participants:
Express their gratitude to the Organizing and International Program Committees of the Congress, to ICAO, to the Government of the Russian Federation and the Government of Moscow, to the organizers and sponsors, whose activity made possible the effective work of this scientific forum that is extremely useful for further development of the world aerospace complex;
It is necessary to hold the Sixth International Aerospace Congress in August, 2009.
- Entrust to the Organizing Committee to send the text of this Declaration to the UN, ICAO, relevant organizations and authorities of Russia and other countries; on the basis of this Declaration and participants’ suggestions to develop brief recommendations addressing the Governments and legislative authorities, designers and manufacturers of aerospace equipment, as well as the users of its services;
- During the period of preparation for the Sixth International Aerospace Congress IAC’09 deem useful to hold local conferences, symposia, seminars devoted to priority directions of development of aviation and astronautics.
Participants of the Fifth International Aerospace Congress are confident that further development of aviation and astronautics in the forthcoming millenium will create the most important scientific-technical conditions for qualitative deepening of human knowledge about the Universe, free development of a personality and social progress, will strengthen and further international cooperation with the aim to achieve solutions to the most acute problems of our civilization.