- Friends of the Earth Home Page
- Friends of the Earth, UK
- Greenpeace International Home Page
- International Greenpeace website.
- 420! - A homepage dedicated to the
environment and social justice. Hemp, other...
- Allegheny Defense Project -
Fall%20Gathering/98Gather.html DEFENDERS GATHERING!
- Baru Bay:
Bob Weir and Wendy Weir - Bob Weir of the Grateful Dead, his environmental mission.
- CSN - Répertoire de sites
en santé-sécurité-environnement - Voici un outil de travail et de recherche unique
en santé-sécurité du travail et en environnement. Un répertoire sélectif de sites
spécialisés du Web dans lequel 268 d'entre eux sont recensés et triés, parmi des
milliers qui ont été visités et analysés. (Quebec trade union gateway page to
Environmental. Health & safety sites. Note that layout is wide screen - you may need
to scroll for links.)
- the Dogwood Alliance - End 'chip
- Dudgeon's Ecolinks - An attempt to
educate the public on the efforts of the international green movement.
- The EcoJustice Network - IGC's Ecojustice
Net, Many good links...
- Edward Abbey - Honesty in a
Dishonest Age - This page is dedicated to one of my heroes, the environmentalist
Edward Abbey.
- Endangered Species
- Basically a searchable index of endangered species for North America.
- EnviroLink Home Page - Probably one of the
largest hubs of environmental pages.
- Environmental Organization WebDirectory! -
The Amazing Environmental Organization WebDirectory
- Environmentalists Guide to the Public
Library - Environmentalists Guide to the Public Library
- Free Speech Has Its Price - It
ain't easy being an environmentalist these days. Exercising such constitutionally
guaranteed liberties as free speech, free assembly and political dissent on behalf of the
planet is costing people their jobs, homes, pets, health and even lives.
- Global Response - Young Environmentalist's
Actions for Kids - A great kids enviro site.
- Green Solitaire,
Environmentalism on the Internet made easy. - With Green Solitaire, see how many ways
you can help our environment by using the Internet.
- GreenNet Home Page - GreenNet Home Page
- Greenpeace Canada - The site of
Greenpeace Canada.
- IGC: EcoNet - EcoNet™: working to support
ecological sustainability and environmental justice.
- Indigenous Environmental Network - INDIGENOUS
- List of WWW Sites of
Interest to Ecologists - Ecology and Environmentalism
- Native Forest Network North America Homepage
- The Native Forest Network is a global autononomous collective of forest activists,
indigenous peoples, conservation biologists and non-governmental organizations. It
functions on a consensus basis, and is non-violent, non-hierarchical and non-patriarchal.
- Ned Ludd's News -
Ned Ludd's News
- The Official Judi Bari Home Page - Judi
Bari, environmental and social justice leader from California's redwood region, survived
attempted murder in a 1990 car-bomb attack, and is suing the FBI for blaming her; she died
of breast cancer 3/2/97.
- restore home page - Restore the Great North
- Save The Sea Turtle - SAVE THE SEA
- Sierra Club - A nonprofit member-supported,
public interest organization that promotes conservation of the natural environment by
influencing public policy decisions.
- Signs of government spying on you
and what to do about it. - What to do about Government spying on activists and
activist harrassment ...
- Stop Logging Public Lands - Stop Logging
Public Lands
- Student Environmental Action Coalition (SEAC) -
Student Environmental Action Coalition
- Untitled - An old
- urban75 - Eco Warrior fights the Corporate Man
in a battle of..er...checkers. - This page is a game called Eco Warrior. urban75,
Daily Telegraph feature, e-zine, drugs, rave music, techno, slap a Spice Girl, Shockwave,
journalism, politics, the Criminal Justice Act, protest, environment, goa, football,
internet, rave music, punch a politician, humour
- VHEMT - The Voluntary Human Extinction Movement...
- The Wildlands Project - To protect and
- The Yellowstone to Yukon Conservation Initiative
- Official Site of the Yellowstone to Yukon Conservation Initiative - an innovative effort
by over 100 organizations to reconnect wilderness cooridors throughout the northern Rocky
and Mackenzie mountains.
- Australian Institute of
Alpine Studies - The Australian Institute of Alpine Studies is an umbrella
organisation for alpine researchers of all disciplines. The Institute has no permanent
geographic location other than a secretariat with the Australian Alps Liaison Committee.
- CEE Regional Environmental Center (REC) -
The Regional Environmental Center for Central and Eastern Europe (REC) is a non-partisan,
non-advocacy, not-for-profit organisation with a mission to assist in solving
environmental problems in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE).
- Desert Research Institute - affiliated with University
of Nevada; research programs focus on water resources and air quality, global climate
change and the physics of the earth's turbulent atmosphere, and humanity's historic
struggle to adapt to harsh environments.
- IUCN - The World Conservation Union
- NAEP Homepage - National Association of
Environmental Professionals - (U.S.) - multidisciplinary association dedicated to the
advancement of the environmental professions in the U.S. and abroad.
- National Center for Environmental Decision-making
Research - NCEDR focus is on needs of subnational (state, regional, tribal, local)
environmental decision makers. It engages environmental decisionmakers with researchers to
develop and communicate processes and information that help solve or avoid problems
associated with envirionmental decisions.
- National Parks and Conservation Association - The NPCA
is a private, nonprofit, citizen organization dedicated solely to protecting, preserving,
and enhancing the U.S. National Park System.
- National Wildlife Federation
- The Nature Conservancy - Protecting endangered species
and ecosystems through land aquisition, science, and partnerships.
- Palni Hills Conservation Council - A
non-governmental organization conserving the Palni Hills and forests of Kodaikanal,
Tamilnadu, India.
- Project Mind Foundation
- Higher creativity reconciling science & spirit will generate holistic S&T
eliminating lack, injustice, illusion & suffering worldwide.
- World Resources Institute (WRI) - NGO committed to
change for a sustainable world -- believe that change in human behavior is urgently needed
to halt the accelerating rate of environmental deterioration. Site has resources on
climate change, forest resources, international environmental economics, biodiversity,
coastal and marine resources, trends and indicators, sustainable agriculture, more.
- WWF: saving life on earth - Known worldwide by its
panda logo, WWF is the world's largest and most experienced independent conservation
organization with 4.7 million supporters and a global network active in some 100
countries. WWF's mission is to protect nature and the biological diversity that we all
need to survive.