- North America Missing
Children Association (NAMCA) - NAMCA is a nationally registered, Non-Profit
Volunteer Organation, dedicated to bringing Missing children and adults home. Currently
NAMCA is actively involved in over 90 missing persons cases and we have helped close over
75 cases in the last two and a half years.
- Boy Scouts of
America - Welcome to the National Council of the Boy Scouts of America on the World
Wide Web!
- Children's
Animated Television (CAT) - Children's Animated Television is a non-profit
organization that will produce video programs for pre-teens, teens and their families.
Learn about contemporary social issues such as diversity, substance abuse and AIDS.
Friendly and likable cartoon characters educate as well as entertain families.
- The FourHWeb -
The FourHWeb is an effort to bring together all 4-H clubs and resources on the web in one
location. Our goal is to facilitate communication between members, leaders and clubs, and
to provide easy access to the multitude of project resources available.
- The Girl Guides of
Canada - The Official Girl Guides of Canada Web site.
- Scouts Canada Official
WWW Site - The Official Scouts Canada WWW site containing information on programs of
interest to Scout leaders and parents. There is also a link to a youth-oriented webzine