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of the Fund" hints(4) = "Administration of the Fund" items(5) = "Members" hints(5) = "The Fund members" items(6) = "Information
Fund Activities" hints(6) = "Events of the Fund" items(7) = "Programs" hints(7) = "The Fund programs" items(8) = "Badge of the Fund" hints(8) = "Награждение знаком Фонда" items(10) = "Feedback" hints(10) = "Feedback form" items(11) = "" hints(11) = "What""s New" items(12) = "Search" hints(12) = "Search on the site" items(13) = "Memorial Data" hints(13) = "Memorial Data" else I_ROOT = Application("Rus_Root") items(0) = "Начало" hints(0) = "Начальная страница" items(1) = "Обращение" hints(1) = "Обращение" items(2) = "О Фонде" hints(2) = "Информация о Фонде" items(3) = "География" hints(3) = "География" items(4) = "Руководство Фонда" hints(4) = "Руководство Фонда" items(5) = "Члены Фонда" hints(5) = "Список членов Фонда" items(6) = "Информация о деятельности
Фонда" hints(6) = "Информация о деятельности Фонда" items(7) = "Программы" hints(7) = "Программы Фонда" items(8) = "Награждение знаком Фонда" hints(8) = "Награждение знаком Фонда" items(10) = "Комментарии" hints(10) = "Форма для комментариев" items(11) = "Юбилейный конгресс Фонда" hints(11) = "Юбилейный конгресс Фонда" items(12) = "Поиск" hints(12) = "Поиск по сайту" items(13) = "Страница
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") Response.Write("") Response.Write("") if Lang = 1 then Response.Write("
Сегодня: "&Date()) else Response.Write("
Today: "&Date()) end if Response.Write("
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 "&items(i)) else Response.Write(""&items(i)&"") end if else Response.Write(""&items(i)&"") end if Response.Write "


      We, the members of the Trustee Board of the Tsyolkovsky Moscow State Aviation Technological University International Trustee Fund, realizing the necessity of uniting the efforts of the world's community in raising the educational and moral level of the younger generation, appeal to everyone who cares about the future of Russia and the mankind as a whole, with the following:
      The International Trustee Fund, the members of which are outstanding figures and well-known organizations from various countries, has developed and is implementing a set of international educational, scientific and cultural programs that include such important fields of activity as distribution of modern educational technologies, stimulating the promising scientific researches, preparing and carrying out socially important cultural and historical events, participation in solving the global environmental problems such as protection of the Earth's forests from destruction, assistance in building the open society, participation in creation of common informational space and others.
      Taking into account the high humanity and undoubted social importance of the Fund's activity, and with hope for the sincere desire of all people of good will to promote the noble educational efforts and upbringing, we appeal for the wide support of the proposed programs and direct personal participation in their implementation.

With hope for successful, fruitful and mutually beneficial cooperation we remain

Members of the Trustee Board

 Email (elena@fund.ru)
This page last updated Thursday February 11 2010 by <webmaster@fund.ru>

Copyright © International Trustee Fund, 1997-2003
All rights reserved